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Cad Mathe

Cad was born in 668 BA, and since that time he has always been in the Village. He's never even left his home for a day. In 682 BA, at the age of fourteen, Cad became apprenticed to Dam Huradon, the Village's blacksmith - breaking the heart of his mother, who always dreamed he'd become a cobbler like his grandfather. Cad is a jokester, capable of doing his work but often finding other things he'd much rather be doing. He's good friends with Meriel and Helicent and the other girls his age, though he's never been particularly close to the boys in the Village. Recently he came into possession of a warhammer, made by Fer Huradon for a passing visitor who left before the work was completed or payment rendered.


Appears in:

The Forge of the Magus

DALL·E 2022-08-28 18.50.16 - A colour photograph by Annie Leibowitz of a scrawny young man
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