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Percy Oddell

Percy has lived in Tuiar for all his life, a shade over thirty years, and nothing means more to him than his kingdom. He was born in 653 BA, and began to learn the sword as soon as he was old enough to hold it. Since the death of the previous man to hold the post, Percy has been Captain of the Carhavel guard. He has only one surviving relative - a sister, Tamessa. Although the two are estranged, Percy holds her in high regard. Percy has never sought a wife. His plan has always been to guard Carhavel until he could fight no longer, then die in glory on the battlefield. The problem is that Tuiar has known peace for decades. Where the battlefield will come from for his glorious death remains to be seen - but for the meantime he focuses on upholding the laws of the land.


Appears in:

The Forge of the Magus

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